Friday, January 11, 2008

A Must Read

for all women is It's All About Him by Denise Jackson. My mother in law gave it to me for Christmas and I read it in 2 days. It would have been a 1 day read if I had actually been home when I started it. The book was simply awesome. It was uplifting and honest and just so real. I can't put into words how it made me feel. It touched me in so many ways and made me think about so many things. All I can say is it is a must read. I already gave it to my mom to read and have told one of my best friends that she is next on the list to read it.

Jackson is just so honest about herself, her relationship with her husband, and her relationship with God. She doesn't mind saying how fake and insecure she was and how losing her husband taught her so much and how her renewed faith in God made her such a strong and amazing woman. She wants to tell you about her love affair with God and how through it she has become this amazingly strong and confident and secure person. AWESOME!!!

The book really made me think, about who I am, who I use to be, and most importantly who I want to be and what kind of life I want to have. Once again, all I can say is AWESOME! Go out and get the book and read it and reread it until you get the message and you can feel it in your heart.

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