Monday, January 7, 2008

Diet and other things...

So I started a semi diet. What I really mean is I bought The Best Life by Bob Greene and I splurged on the diet journal and now I have to sit down and read the book so I know what I am suppose to do. For now I am just really watching what I am eating and trying to cut out all of the junk food and alcohol. I also quite smoking and I am not liking it. I don't actually have any physical withdraw from quiting, it's more like the mental withdraw of really wanting a cigarette and not being able to have one. Actually it is not that I can't have one, it's that I have to constantly make the choice not to have one. But that is not bad either because obviously I am pretty strong willed if I simply have chosen not to smoke today. WOW, that makes it sound so easy. Trust me it has not been easy, but I do want to succeed so I am going to continue on this path. It's all about the better, happier me.

Today was pretty much back to the normal routine of things, whatever that means. Logan stayed home, so I had 2 kids with me all day instead of 1. Not so bad, we went for a 45 minute walk/bike ride. Kolby enjoyed the stroller and being outside. Logan enjoyed riding his bike and talking up a storm. I can't say that I enjoyed it, but it did feel good to get out for a while. It was already kind of warm out (at 10am) so in the shade it felt good and in the sun it stunk. Then we came home, had some lunch, watched Planet Heroes, got Kolby a nap, washed clothes, made the menu for the next 2 weeks. Then Eric got home we fixed dinner and I wrote up the grocery list and then we had dinner. Logan is at soccer practice and Kolby is watching the last few minutes of Noggin. Then it is bath time and cuddle time and then bed time. Logan should be home by then and it is the same for him. After they are in bed I am going to set up my 2008 calendar and make my to do list for tomorrow and then call it a day. Probably hit the sack early, maybe get in a little reading before bed. That's me, my life.

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