Monday, May 5, 2008

Friends...Old & New

Before everything went wrong at the beginning of the year I had acquired a mom's group here in Spring Hill. I really like the concept behind this group so I said sure I can handle it and didn't really appreciate how much work it takes to get it going and keep it running. Nor did I ever consider how hard it is to be the one in charge. Now that everything is over with and my life is trying to get back to normal I have been re-focused to this group and have been really trying to get it going again. YIKES!

I can say though that I really do enjoy most of the relationships that have been formed through mom's groups. I have had some friends going on 3 years and I have recently met some new, really cool moms that I love. Some of the old friends are friends that I knew and lost contact with and some are friends that have been true through the past 3 years. I am really glad to be rekindling some older relationships. I remember why I loved those moms in the first place. They are just good, fun, comical ladies that I can really share my days with. They make me laugh and they listen to me cry and they are more than willing to have a little more than a few drinks with me at MNO. They really understand what being a mom, wife, friend is all about. They understand what my life is right now, right here. They understand who I am. I know that I am blessed to share my life with these ladies and I am twice blessed that God continues to send new moms to our group when one mom chooses to leave. I am blessed with the new friendships that I am forming and that these ladies are just as awesome and totally fit in with us. I am truly blessed.

I encourage all moms to find a mom's group in their area. The friendship that other moms give is amazing and if not life saving, it is at least sanity saving. I know it has saved whatever sanity I have left.

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